Wednesday 11 August 2010

The enforcer.

Hey guys, this is a work in progresses, it's my 5th book, first draft, I need to add more to it but the basic stories done, enjoy.

The Enforcer

Chapter one: The calm before the blaze.

It was a mild, cloudless night in late August in Kingston upon Thames, London. Many stars and the moon were shimmering on the tranquil, peaceful water, all the usual nightlife was in full swing, the cars were driving along the road beeping their horns to try and get to the next nightclub. From other cars RNB, Hip-Hop and Rap blared out of open windows. The occasional drunken scuffles broke out. A vast majority of people were use to these night time antics having been brought up, or lived in London or other cities for several years.

In a large, bright modern 5th floor flat with all the latest gadgets that overlooked the Thames, an average height and weight teenager with dark brown hair, green eyes and a small scar on his nose that had been coursed by a broken glass 10 years ago was laying in bed. He tried to use his iPod to blot out the sounds of the city, having been brought up in the Hampshire country side, and having moved in to the flat that day, he had no experiences of this kind of life. He used a tissue to wipe the tears that fell from his eyes away not for the loss of what he’d left behind, god, that wasn’t the life he wanted to live, but for all the problems he’d had in his life and the noise that were both keeping him awake.

‘Stop being a cry-baby, Jake. Your 19 years old, starting University and learning to live an independent life, your no longer in the Hampshire country side, you’ll just have to get used to the city.

After several minutes Jake controlled his crying, he got out of the double bed and headed to the bathroom to wash his face again. His father Nick, a man that had the face of a wily old fox, with long, shaggy grey dog like hair , always smelt of stale alcohol and had nicotine on his finger males. was a bent property developer who had used bargain-basement tactics to get the flat for £180,000, Jake had seen on the internet that another flat on the 4th floor was on the market for offers in excess of £379,950.

Jake walked to the mini bar, grabbed a bottle of Becks from the mini fridge and sat on the £5000 free piece black leather sofa, As he remembered the life of crime his parents and sister Cleo had chosen to pursue he made a promise to himself that the grades he’d obtained from the private school that there was no way his parents could have afforded wouldn’t go to waste now. Jake had no regrets that, hours earlier at the cottage which he’d called home all his life, he’d told his family he didn’t want any contact from them, his father, drunk as usual and wearing nothing but a dirty vest and boxer shorts had slurred behind him

‘Alright that’s fine with me.’ His mother, Jane, who was lounging on the sofa made a non-committal grunt, his sister, Cleo looked up from stroking her dog that was laying on the original stone flooring in front of the fire and said, ‘Good, you’ve made my life a complete and utter misery.’

Jake looked at the ovens LED clock, 4:54AM read the green illuminated screen. For a minute, Jake had a wild fantasy of hurting his farther by setting the house alight,

‘No, I’m better than that. I’m here to break out of the drink, drugs, theft and god knows what else.’

He thought to himself. Jake turned on his TV, got his Laptop out of its bag and accessed the net. After spending an hour online he decided to try and sleep. As it was now close to 7AM. He didn’t bother returning to bed; because it was mild weather he didn’t require a quilt.

Jake had a bizarre dream; he was walking in to his house with a petrol can, he couldn’t figure out what he felt, everything seemed to be running past him as if it were a movie and he was standing in the centre of the TV screen while the movie was playing, Jake hid in the downstairs toilet which contained simply a toilet and sink, and the same cold, sharp edged tiles that were a feature of the cottage. Before they became the messes that they had become, his parents wanted to add wooden floors to replace the tiles, the local planning office had turned them down and the court case that Nick had tried to bribe the judge with £15,000 to overturn the ruling had collapsed and resulted in a prison sentence for Nick.

Jake waited for Cleo and his parents..... A sarcastic laugh escaped his lips. They hadn’t even looked after him as a baby, and he’d practically brought up Cleo. Jake remembered a time when Cleo wanted a dog, the dog that she had now, and who hated Jake and had bitten him on more than one occasion. She’d been about 5, he 12. Their parents both agreed that Cleo could have a dog and even went out to by dog food, dog bowls and a kennel. Unfortunately Nick gambled the £700 for the dog away in a poker game, at the same time, Nick whose father had also been an alcoholic consumed so much alcohol that he had to have is stomach pumped.

During the car ride home from seeing his father in hospital his mother said to him.

‘Due to your father’s actions, we can’t afford a dog for a couple of weeks. I don’t want Cleo to cry, so until we can get a dog you will act as the substitute, and even live in the kennel. The growl in her voice and the narrowing of her eyes told Jake to shut up and get on with it. Jakes parents moved the kennel in to the kitchen and Jake had to use it and eat out of dog bowls for 12, long, drawn-out and painful days.

Jake jumped as he heard a thud on the door mat, what could it be.Sneaking out of the toilet just in case, Jake moved towards the front door, using the 16th century’s country side cottages nooks and crannies to his advantage. The local paper lay on the mat; Jake had a look at the head line.

‘Old man finds dinosaur bones in cave’, it read. The old man in question was Zack, the next door neighbour; he lived about 5 minutes walking time away. Jake was pleased for him, many’s the time Jake had accompanied Zack on his amiture explorations, and, more often than not they’d found some amazing relics. One time they’d found an old coin that was worth a small fortune, Zack had brought himself a new car, Jake still had £5000 of his £10.000 share.

Remembering that it was nearly 4PM and that Cleo would be home soon, and might use the toilet he’d been hiding in, Jake ran into a near-by dark and dingy downstairs cupboard. The cupboard contained a Hoover, mop and bucket and other cleaning materials. Jake waited for what seemed like hours, until his parents returned home at around 6PM. His mother who worked in a Kebab shop had brought dinner home, as usual. A half pounder burger and chips for Nick, a larger Donna Kebab and Chicken nuggets for Cleo, and 2 burgers and large fries for herself Jake would often prepare his own food and eat it in his room not wishing to participate in the drunken and vile conversation.

Jakes mother had 2 straight Vodkas, then Vodka and coke and finally a glass of wine before even sitting at the table.

Everyone else took their places at the table. Nick, who was also already drunk and had driven home in his £20,000 car knocked over the Tomato Ketchup as he mistook it for the red wine that was on the left of the ketchup. Swearing, Nick staggered towards the kitchen roll, he was so out of it that he had to use the chair, table and work surface as support. The cupboard was right next to the work surface that contained the kitchen roll, Jake decided this was it. He sprung out of the cupboard, knocked over his unbalanced father, poured the petrol all over the kitchen, ran towards the door, lit the match and threw it back into the cottage, the cottage exploded in an amazing firework display, Jakes eyes were fixed on the vast colours.

Shaking and sweating, Jake woke up; he’d rolled off the sofa and was lying in a heap on the floor. He ran to the bathroom that was bigger than his old bedroom, and took a long shower. Feeling slightly better he got dressed, saw the time was 2.19PM and cooked himself a late brunch of sausages, bacon, mushrooms, tomato and poached egg.

The rest of the day was taken up by unpacking boxes, finding the only photo of his family that he and ever owned, Jake smash the frame and threw it into the bin, he found all his meddles and trophies that he’d won for a number of things such as sports and winning master mind the previous year. He also found the signed picture of him, Carol Vorderman and the late Richard Whitley from his countdown win.

Smiling Jake put the trophies and meddles in the cabinet, and hung the pictures on the wall.

‘This isn’t as bad as I thought it would be, everything’s nearly unpacked and there’s nothing bad going on’. Jake realised he’d said this out loud. Suddenly feeling lonely he phoned Zack, after a general chat Zack got around to providing details of his next expiration, he mentioned the date that he wanted to carry out the expiration, 7th September. Jake froze, as if he’d been frozen in an ice cube. As if he was holding the news paper from the dream, he saw it in a freeze-frame; the date was the 8th September. Not wanting to scare Zack in anyway, Jake pretended he’d dropped the phone, ended the call as soon but as politely as he could. Picked up his car keys to his new and probably stolen Lexus.

Jakes good friend Phil Ackerman, who he’d known for several years from the net, phone and many previous face-to-face meetings lived about 15 minutes away, he was of average height and slim, he had a beard and laughing eyes, he had a snake tattoo on his right arm, and Steph his wives name on his left wrist. Phil had spend 4 years in Australia for a business venture, his good friend Dave Chatman had emigrated 2 years earlier and invited Phil out to help due to his business partner being put in prison over a hit and run. Phil at returned 3 years ago and now ran part of the business in London due to becoming home sick and board of Austrailer.

Jake phoned from his mobile.

‘Hi Phil, how are you? I’ve finally moved in, can I come and see you then maybe you and, if she’s there Steph can come round to mine for a drink, there’s a spare bedroom for you two.’

‘Hey Jake, yeah I’m good thanks and that sounds good to me, are you sure about us coming round to stay the night though? I mean you’ve only lived there for 1 day.’

‘I got access to the flat a few weeks ago and just kept my pressures and necessities at home’.

‘Oh that’s good then, see you in a few’ said Phil and ended the call.”

Realising that Phil’s wife, Steph, wasn’t drinking due to being pregnant, Jake stopped off at a corner shop to buy soft drinks, he picked up to bottles of coke, 1 Doctor pepper and an Irn-bru. Suddenly Jake realised he’d left his wallet in his coat that was in the car. Putting the items on the counter, he explained what he’d done to the young Algerian woman, she smiled and said ‘Ok, go and get the money and I’ll bag these up for you sir,’ Slightly taken aback that she’d called him sir he said jokingly ‘Is this my knighthood then’, the woman burst out in fits of laughter. Returning from getting his wallet, Jake noticed for the first time that the woman was reading a skiing magazine.

‘Have you been skiing before? I go regularly and love it’.

The girl gave Jake a sad smile.

‘I can’t afford it, I went to lessons for a long time, but just don’t have the cash any more’.

‘What is your name?’ Jake Asked.

‘My name’s Caz, what’s yours?’

‘I’m Jake, nice to meet you’.

Jake suddenly had a bizarre desire to pay for a Skiing holiday for Caz, having established that she worked most days for her dad Jake left and drove to Phil and Stephs house.

Jake parked the car, got out and rang the door bell, within seconds Phil opened the door and gave Jake a quick hand shake, ‘Hi Jake, let me take your coat, we are sitting in the garden enjoying the sun, you know where to go, I take it you’re on the softies until tonight.’

‘Yes Phil,’ winking ‘but I’ll make up for it tonight.

Whilst Phil was preparing drinks for himself, Jake and Steph, Jake walked to the garden and gave Steph, who was lying under a tree a huge hug.

‘Hi Steph, how’s the pregnancy going? You’re looking well.’

Laughing Steph said, ‘everything’s good for our healthy Christmas baby boy.’

Smiling Jake said ‘should we get the Bible rewritten,’

Steph looked at him with a mischievous smile, ‘nah, I think we can come up with another name than Jesus.’ Phil returned with 3 drinks, the three friends sat under the tree and chatted about general things for 2 hours. In a break in the silence, Phil suggested that the 3 of them go and buy a Chinese and head back to Jakes.

Jake and Steph agreed and went in the car with Phil to drive to the Chinese take away.

Phil directed Jake, who’d not really driven round the area to, what he and Steph considered to be the best Chinese in the area, they brought Stir fry, chicken and noodles. The man who served them new Phil very well, and due to Steph being pregnant gave him a free 2 litter bottle of Pepsi.

‘Thank you very much, it’s hard to decide which is better, Pepsi or coke’. Phil joked. The man, who Jake was not introduced to smiled as he finished packing the food and Pepsi into a paper bag

‘That’s £15.80 please, Phil.

How are you and the baby Steph? When’s the baby due?, didn’t Phil say Christmas day.’

‘Yes Wang, he’s going to be our best Christmas present ever. We’re both fine thanks, how’s your family?’

Looking at a picture of his twin Son and daughter who were both taking law and forensic science degree with a hope to join forensic special branch of the police, Wang said in a proud voice

‘Li and Dezunque are both doing well at University thank you, and Martreial is also fine, and working hard at the estate agents, here’s your food, I hope to see you all soon’.

Everyone returned to the car, Jake put radio one on and rolled down the windows.

‘Oh shit, I’m already acting as if I’ve lived here all my life, saying that it’s probably for the best,’ Jake said to the car at large ‘Yeah, I’d agree with you, in London you just have to go with the flow, or stand out like a sore thumb.’ Phil agreed.

As the car rounded the corner of Jakes road, the three of them saw that there was police in the tower block, 5 police cars and an armoured response unit were parked outside, the police charged at the door with a huge battering ram, the gun men charged in and started smashing doors down and demanding people put their hands up. The police lined all the residences against the wall while the searched the flats. Jake, Phil and Steph stayed in the car out of the way of the action.

‘We’ve got them, sir’ shouted a police gunman dragging a had cuffed middle aged man, the man had a shaved head, tattoos all over his body, a skull necklace, a t-shirt and shorts, he was bundled into a van with a dog guarding him. A woman, who Jake presumed was his wife was then dragged out, she had short, cropped brown hair and was wearing a cherry red dress, she only had one hi-heal shoe on and half her make-up.

‘get you’re fucking hands off me,’ she screamed and threw herself to the pavement, one of the policemen picked her up and carried her, still kicking and screaming to the police van.

A few seconds later two more men were firmly and roughly dragged out half dressed. One of the men was about 70 with a bold head and grey beard; he had a large mole on his right cheek. The other one could have been about 30, he was wearing a dirty grey Nike hoody, it was later confirmed that they were a family running a drugs den in the flat that Jake had seen on the net.

After the general hubbub had died down, Jake approached a policeman.

‘Excuse me officer, I live in this block of flats, can you explain what’s been going on here please?’

The police man looked at him, he looked at the bags, at Phil then Steph and finally back at the bags.

‘Put the bags on the floor and you’re hands up, as for you two, get against that car now’.

‘But sir it’s chine’ the words froze in Jakes mouth as the policeman produced a gun. Jake did as he was told,

The policeman radioed for help, within minutes a van and 2 police cars pulled up.

After all three of them had gone through a full and embarrassing search by both sniffer dogs and the drug squad, they were allowed to get up.

‘Sorry guys, we just busted the ring leaders of a drugs and weapon smuggling gang, sadly it’s not safe to let you in until we sorted everything out and finished our forensic work, is there somewhere you can stay?’ asked the policeman.

‘Sure, Jake can stay with me, is it possible that you can get him some clothes and a wash bag?’

Asked Phil, the policeman nodded and beckoned a spotty youth who looked like he should still be in secondary school,

‘Owen, this man’ he pointed at Phil ‘lives in 539. He is staying with these people for the night, he will tell you what clothes and items he wants from his house and you will go and fetch them, do I

Make myself clear?

‘Yes DC Robinson’ mumbled Owen.

20 minutes later, Jake, with pyjamas and clothes for the next day found himself and Phil explaining what had happened to Wang in the Chinese, Wang cooked new portions of what had previously been ordered, gave the food to Phil and said good bye to them both. Still shaken up Jake drove himself, Phil and Steph who had decided to remain in the car back to Phil’s house.

Chapter 2 second chance?

20 minutes later everyone was sitting in the garden in the twilight, Steph lit candles that let of an amazing smell around the table, she poured red wine in the two wine glasses and made herself a week Pimms, ‘well, one drink won’t her’ she said to Phil who gave her a look that said do you think you should drink?’ out loud he said

‘This meal is to celebrate Jake moving into his first property and becoming a man, no offence mate.’

‘None taken and this is a toast to you, Steph and your son’. Everyone clinked glasses and laughed, the atmosphere that had descended on the group of friends after the incident lifted.

After what Jake considered one of the best meal he’d ever eaten he asked Phil If he could have a bath.

‘Of course you can, you know where the bathroom is, top of the stairs, first door on the left, I’ll get your bed made in the next room, the hot waters on and there’s shampoo, conditioner and shower gel on the shelve and there’s towers in the airing cupboard so just help yourself to what you need’.

After, what Jake had always called a girlie soak in the bath, Jake got out and started to dry himself, looking in his toiletry bag he discovered that Owen hadn’t packed his tooth brush, not wanting to be nosey and look for a spare tooth brush Jake got dressed and went down stairs.

‘Sorry Phil, but that Owen guy didn’t pack me a tooth brush, do you have any spare ones.

‘No Jake, but I have got some mouth wash in my en suit in my bed room, I’ll go and fetch it, I’ve made a bed for you in the bedroom next to the bathroom you just used. We’ll be out tomorrow so help yourself to breakfast and stay as long as you need to.’

Jake sat down on the sofa and started watching the football scores, a few seconds later Phil returned with the mouthwash. The two men had one final beer before heading to bed at about 1:45AM.

Jake had another bizarre dream, he was walking through a forest in a storm, the bear skeletal trees were surrounding him and from a river a light mist, just heavy enough to disorientate him, but not heavy enough to get lost or walk into something was closing in.

He knew he needed to run and find shelter but his legs wouldn’t let him. Running to a clearing Jake saw the outskirts of an abandoned town he walked towards an old vandalised cathedral, as he approached the cathedral he saw that all the windows were smashed, the roof was falling in and the walls were covered in graffiti, not caring that the cathedral wouldn’t really shelter him, Jake walked in.

What he saw next made him gasp, the cathedral was in perfect condition and some sort of service was taking place. A man with a beard was reading from a book in a foreign language, the rest of the onlookers repeated parts of the service adding more words. Suddenly there was a huge earthquake, the cathedral split down the middle as the earth split open as if it were a book that someone had just opened, a large monster that Jake had never even heard of rose up, was a mixture of green, yellow, black and white, like outside it was surrounded in mist, the monster looked like a snake but had arms and legs which it used to walk with, the whatever it was started swishing it’s head back and forth smashing what remained of the pillars and the windows. Then it turned its attention to the screaming onlookers, Jake screamed and started to run before waking up, he was suffering a panic attack; he kept telling himself to stop and gradually started to take control of his breathing.

‘I can’t go on like this, what’s going on here, why’s it happening to me?’

Too pumped on adrenaline to sleep due to the panic attack and seeing that it was nearly 7AM , Jake turned on the TV that was mounted on the wall and stuck with GMTV, a programme he’d not watched unless it had been the holidays or he’d been ill. After watching the rather uneventful 7AM news that thought him nothing new and something about a woman that had moved back to the UK to escape prison in Russia where her husband had be shipped off to by his work, and where she’d out stay her welcome it was time for a commercial break.

Jake inhaled a huge gulp of air as he watched a trailer to a new movie, the trailer was a copy cat of the dream he’d had that night. Feeling confident that he’d seen the trailer and remembered it in his sleep, Jake felt much happier got dressed and cooked breakfast.

Jake saw that the post had arrived and was on the door mat, he picked the post up and put it on a near-by table, he stroked the gray and white cat that was rubbing against his leg, he didn’t know its name so he didn’t speak to it. After a few more minutes Jake left locking the front door with Phil’s keys which he’d left a note telling Jake to put them in a fake stone that was designed for this purpose.

Returning home...... Wow, his own place, felt a bit scary, was any one else dangerous living there? He wondered as he parked the green Lexus.

Next to where Jake parked was a window and door fitters van, it was obvious that they had a lot of work to do, he could see about 12 doors inside the van all the same white doors that had be broken into, a man in a dark green uniform with ‘Kingston Counsel’ was guarding the van.

‘Excuse me, I live in flat 539, can you tell me about my door please.’

The man, who looked more like he’d be better of being in a gorilla cage at the zoo and had the beard and hair to back that up consulted a note book.’

‘The door is fixed; however, you will need to ask the reception at maintenances for your new keys, to get there just walk down the road and go in to the red bricked building on your left’.

Jake thanked the man got the keys and headed back to the flat. Heading to the lift Jakes eye was caught by a medium slim girl who was walking to the lifts from over the other side of the building, Jake decided to talk to her.

‘Hi I’m Jake Davis, nice to meet you, I’ve just moved on here 2 days ago, I can’t believe we had a drug den here.’

The girl gave him a charming smile

‘My names Missy Perot, nice to meet you too, oh your our new neighbour, we live at 537’.

The life arrived and the two of them kept talking on the Stephurney to the 5th floor, it turned out Missy was 6 months younger than Jake, and had lived in the flats with her parents and bother since they’d been built 4 years ago.

‘Drop in any time you want, I’m sure mum, dad and Andy would love to meet you,’ said Missy as she opened the door.

Jake walked in to his flat and unpacked his bag, he turned on the radio, he made himself a coke an chilled out, before he knew it he’d fallen asleep. The glass fell out of Jakes hand and the remaining coke flowed all over the carpet. Jake woke up 5 hours later at 3:30PM, he cleaned the huge stain on the carpet and poured a new drink.

Remembering he was going to book a skiing holiday for Caz, he turned on his laptop and booked her a 2 week, 5 star all inclusive ski trip to Oslo, Norway for Christmas.

He then called directory enquiries, got the name of the shop where Caz worked and phoned her

‘Hi, its sir Jake here, I’ve booked you s holiday in Oslo over Christmas, is that ok.’

After a minute of complete silence Caz screamed with happiness

‘Of course it’s ok, can you come with me?’ she asked

‘Ok, I’ll book another ticket now’ said Jake. Jake put down the phone and re-logged in to book another ticket for himself, after this was done he cooked a meal of pie and chips, then had cookie dough ice cream for pudding.

Jake flicked through a few channels and caught the tail end of the same trailer he’d seem

‘Walking snake, in cinemas September 8th rated 18.

Jake had another flash back, that paper he’d seen was dated September 8th and had had a Walking Snakes review banner on top of it. Making a mental note not to go out on the 8th, Jake knocked on next doors door.

A tall Italian looking man opened the door,

‘Good evening, you must be Jake, Missy has told me about you, I’m her brother Andy, come in’.

Jake walked in, Andy introduced him to his parents Sean and Pauline. After a long chat and a couple of drinks Jake left, he had a shower and got ready for bed wondering what dream he’d have tonight.

Jake’s dream was amazing, he was in Oslo with Caz having sex in a log cabin, it was Christmas eve and the two of them went skiing on the black ski slope, the snow and visibility conditions were perfect for skiing, the sky was a clear light blue and cloudless. Jake and Caz had skied down five different slopes on the sixth Jake fell over and slide down, a huge rock was in the way, there was nothing Jake could do and had a head-on collision with it.

Waking up in hospital Jake discovered to his horror that his leg was so badly broken and had suffered so much nerve damage that it was unlikely he’d ever be able to walk without a stick for the rest of his life. Jake cried as the doctor said that he’d had a 7 hour operation that had only just saved his foot. The dream fast forwarded 6 months, Jake was now confined to a wheelchair, he had a crutch that he was being forced to try and use to walk, the pain was so intense that he begged for the leg to be cut off.

Jake had lost about half his body weight; he’d grown a beard and looked a state. Suddenly Steph walked in with Mark, Jakes son. Caz walked through the door.

Steph stood in front of the wheelchair, looked at Jake and said

‘You know what Jake, I’m so glad you have got me away from that low life that was Phil, oh if only you knew how boring my life was, and now we’ve got Mark, you’ve got another one on the way..... And.’ Putting her head on Caz’s shoulder, ‘I’ve found love’. Jake shuddered, pulled himself out of the wheelchair using a table for support and headed for the window. Jake threw himself out the window.

Jake knew he was dead when he could see what was going on around him, He’d hit the Lexus’s roof and rolled down the back windscreen of the car. There was no way he’d survived that.

Every one ran to the shattered, frail child-like body that, Jake really thought belonged to an old man that was laying still and silent, something about the face told Jake that ‘it was the right time’. But, wait a second, CPR’s being carried out by Steph. Jake felt his ghost rushing back to the ground, the window whistled in his ghostly years, he hit the corps heart, Jake let out a loud scream of pain.

He returned from the dead.

Jake woke up, he’d fallen out of bed and hit his head on his bed-side cabinet, he felt sick, light headed and dizzy, he staggered in to the hall, picked up the phone and dialled 999.

‘Emergency service, do you require police, fire brigade or Ambulance,’ Asked a female operator.

‘Ambulance please.’

After a few seconds a man’s voice said ‘Ambulance service’.

After the original woman had provided his phone number the new voice asked

‘What’s your address please?’

‘538 Eagle way Kingston.’

‘Thank you very much sir, and what’s the emergency?’

I’ve fallen out of bed and cut my head open, I feel faint, sick, and dizzy and everything seems to have slowed down. I’m in a lot of pain, I have no other medical conditions and I can’t remember the last time I was ill or in hospital.’

The operator noticed Jake’s speech slowing down and he started to struggle to pronounce his words,

‘How old are you Sir?’

‘I’m...... I don’t know’.

‘Are you male or female’?

‘I need to turn the oven off.’

The operator instantly alerted the Fire Brigade and police for safety reasons.’

For the second time in just hours Jake’s door was smashed down, he was found on the floor by the phone, he needed urgent treatment so once he was stabilised the paramedics took him to the hospital. After establishing that the oven was off, the fire brigade and police left.

Jake was rushed in to resus and was examined,

‘It looks like he’s been attacked; there are bruises and cuts all over him. Suddenly Jakes heart stopped, the nurses carried out CPR, which finally required the defibrillator to restart Jakes heart.

4 hours later Jake woke up, the sight that met his eye nearly beat the defibrillator in the huge shock that hit has heart. His parents and Cleo were sitting in the room, they all looked very pale and scared and were crying, everyone hugged Jake and told him how close he was to dying, Jake told them that he was feeling tired and said they could go and stay in the flat.

Jake was woken every 15 minutes by nurses checking is SATS. The next day Phil and Steph came to see him.

‘You look awful, your heads wrapped up like a Mummy, you’re pale and look knackered’ said Phil as he sat down in the horrible hard-back orange chair which reminded them both of the ones they’d had had to put up with in school, seconds later Phil stood up and decided he’d rather stand.

‘So what happened mate, I know you hit your head on the bed side table but do you have any idea what coursed it?’

Jake told Phil about this dream and all the subsequent events, after a minute of complete silence, Phil mumbled

‘Well we won’t talk about that, but I do appreciate what you’ve done for us, it’s heartbreaking to know that he’ll never really be my son biologically I mean. But I just can’t make kids, not a lot I can do about it. But I’m so grateful that we don’t have to adopt any babies and you agreed to donate your sperm.’ Phil said, Steph agreed.

Jake, who suddenly had lost his energy again nodded. Seeing Jake was tired Phil and Steph left, Later on a nurse told Jake he could go his father who was still sober was waiting for him in the car, a porter took Jake out in a wheelchair as he was still slightly unsteady on his feet, something the doctor was confident would clear in the next few hours,

‘Jake, I’m sorry, I’ve changed when I heard you’d died and needed to have CPR to save you, I remembered when I was in hospital after all the drinking, I’ve not had a drink for the last 2 days and I don’t want to drink any more, your mums not drinking as well, we want to stay and get you sorted out is that ok?’

Jake was worried that he was concussed, his parents off the booze, the last time he’d remembered they’ve stopped drinking was when either of them were in prison and the time social services had nearly taken Cleo and him away, then there was the 6 months where Jakes brother, Alex was in a coma after a motor bike crash, He had survived and now lived in Ireland and was happily married with children, Alex looked like his mother, small, fat and ugly, he was now working at a radio station in Ireland and Jake listened to his weekend show on the net. All hope had nearly been lost and the family had been asked to consider turning off his life support system.

Initially, Alex seemed to have only suffered minor injuries and come out of the woods, the doctors kept him in for observation and it was a good thing they did because, hours later he suffered a bleed on the brain. He underwent major surgery; the surgeon told them that they had no idea how much, if any brain damage had occurred. for the first few weeks Alex constantly showed signs of life by twitching and seeming to try and open one eye, , then nothing. 5 months 3 weeks and 4 days after the crash the doctors asked the question, the family as a whole screamed ‘no’. That night even Jake who was only 14 at the time got drunk.

Two weeks later, Alex opened one eye and moved his arm, over the next week he came round fully and even managed to talk, to everyone’s relief there was no sign of brain damage, it was to be another two months of intense physco before he was aloud home in a wheelchair, and nearly a year after the crashed that he’d been able to live a normal life again. The drinking slowly started to return over the next few years.

‘Jake, you will help us, wont you? It’s clear to us now just how bad things have been since me, then your mum went to prison.’

‘How long will it last dad? I mean you both started again after Alex got better’.

‘This really is it Jake, we’ve made and signed a contract. We’ve got your new keys I hear it’s your third set in 4 days and someone called Missy dropped some stuff of for you.’

Wondering what it was Jake couldn’t wait to get in to find out, Nick helped Jake out of the car who struggled to the lift, he called the lift and him and Nick went to the 5th floor and back to the flat.

The dog ran up to Nick who stroked it, it completely ignored Jake which was fine by him, it then went to its mistress who was lounging on the sofa, some cartoon that Jake didn’t know was on this 40’ TV.

‘Off now, the TV and the sofa’ said Jake.

To his surprised and amazement Cleo obeyed and went to watch TV in his bedroom, still feeling rough Jake laid on the sofa,

His dad walked over with a package and card.

‘This is from that Missy girl’ he said as he passed it to Jake.

Missy and family had brought chocolate and a get well soon card. The contents of piece of paper that fell out of the card surprised him.

Chapter 3 flat 428, crime, drugs and shock partnerships.

‘Dear Jake, I don’t know if you’re aware of your parents actions but I will try and explain, both mine and your dad are part of the drug and weapons ring, the Tims family were the carriers, but our parents were the importers and ringleaders, they offered the 74 year old woman and her 79 year old husband a ground floor flat, they accepted it, he paid them off and that’s the real reason you got the flat and he was so insistent you went to Kingston University, I reported the Tims to the police, they tried to make an escape but needed money, our fathers refused to help and threaten to kill them if they blubbered, and they know that he knows hit-men, but the police managed to swoop in time. I’ve made detailed plans to kill my dad, my mum knows nothing about this I’ve watched and listen to her like a hawk.

If you don’t know about your parents exploits I’ve got a file on them due to the months of research I’ve made. Below you will find my mobile number, please call me so we can sort this out, our parents need to be dealt with.

Ok, there’s a chance you think I’m mad but I’ve got hard proof.

My number is 07943759361’ (Authors note, Not a real number, I’ve checked).

Jake read the letter twice, then he hid it behind the sofa over the next few days he pretended that everything was normal, his parents stayed of the drink and it took him a long time to persuade them to leave the flat. Jake had been secretly texting Missy during this time and they’d come up with Jake setting the cottage on fire, he knew now that it was inevitable, but on the brighter side he knew he managed to evade capture for a few months at least, he’d know that the drinking would only stop temporally and decided that the fire was good pay back. The two of them met just after Jakes parents had finally left. They walked down the road to an allotment and Missy unlocked a shed beckoning Jake inside.

‘ these are the keys to my dad’s static caravan, my plan is to ignite the gas bottle to blow up the caravan, you’re still comfortable setting fire to your house on the 8th?

Asked Missy.

‘I’m ready, have you got the petrol can yet’.

‘Yes I’ve taken it from dad’s car. It’s under the bench, here’s a copy of the keys that will open the shed, there’s some insecticides as well, if that’s the way you want to play it, I can’t believe that this has been going on since before we were even borne, it’ll break mum’s heart but it’s got to be done. I think its best we don’t meet again and we start the fires at night.’

‘I agree’ said Jake.

Missy walked with Jake but to the flat but Jake needed to go out so Missy returned home,

Walking across the river Jake send a text, the text contained just one work ‘Ready’. Minutes later Jake sat on a bench reading the daily paper, a woman walked from the right, the opposite direction to the way Jake had walked. Jake rose and the two of them kissed.

‘Oh angel, when are you going to move in with me, it’s driving me insane I’ve got everything ready for the two of you.’

Steph held Jakes hand, ‘I’ll tell him tonight, no doubt it’ll be the same lack-lustier night as usual.’

Jake gripped her hand and looked in to her eyes.

‘I’ll be waiting, you know where the flick-knife is should you need it.’

After another kiss Steph left, Jake stayed sitting and reading his paper on the bench watching the world go by, suddenly he received a text on his mobile

‘Jake, got the forged pictures from Phil, I brought them at auction, I can’t let him jeopardise my business in the UK for damaged goods for me, god he can’t even perform in bed. Anyway, Stephs text me, we’ll all claim it was a robbery and we’ll escape without any charges because there’ll be no proof of our involvement. Tom will deal with the forgeries,

Dave Chatman.

Jake had taken a piece of paper he’d picked up from the table that he’d put the letters on, the paper contained detailed plans of Phil’s forgery ring. Dave Chatman’s phone number was on the letter. It turned out that Phil had been running a painting forgery for years he’d used the business in Australia as a cover up and been doing the forgeries on the side. A police officer had bought one of his paintings and was going to arrest him, but Phil bribed him with $40,000 to let him return to the UK, although he’d opened a part of the business he’d continued forging. Jake called Dave Chatman and spilt the beans, he also alerted Steph who had no idea together them decided to by all the paintings back as information about the auction was also on the paper then kill Phil.

Steph walked home and prepared dinner, she set the table and waited for Phil to return home. Pouring out Wine for Phil Steph added some drugs to Phil’s glass, she then sat waiting for the inhabitable sounds of the electric gates opening, Phil’s car pulling up on the gravel drive-way and the electric garage door opening, Steph had a feeling that a huge burden and weight had been lifted from her shoulders even though seconds felt like hours, Steph was interrupted from her thoughts by the ringing of the phone, she walked to the phone and picked it up expecting it to be either a family friend or one of those pesky Indian call centres offering her something and refusing to disconnect the call before they had finished reading their script to her.


‘Hello, is that Mrs Ackerman?’

‘Yes, who are you’?

‘My name is Rob Dailvik, I’m a nurse at Saint Joes Hospital, I’m afraid that your husband has been involved in a car crash and is in a coma, it’s not looking good Mrs....’

In a shaky voice that Steph didn’t recognise as her own she mumbled

‘Call me Steph, what’s are his Chance Rob,’ the in a panic ‘I can call you Rob right, oh god, sorry this is just too much I can’t believe it, the baby what’s going to happen to the baby?’

‘Steph, of course you can call me Rob, now the baby, was it in the car?’

‘No, no, no, I’m pregnant, I’m due Christmas day what if he, no I can’t think of that, I’ll be over soon. I’ll pack some clothes and stuff for him where is he?

‘He’s in ICT go through the main doors and turn left.’

‘Thank you, I’ll be there soon.’

Steph put down the phone and breathed a sigh of relief, Dave Chatman had got to Phil first. As good as her word she packed a bag with clothes, toiletries, books and magazines in it and drove to the hospital, having to back 20 minutes walk for the ICU and having to pay £5 for 2 hours parking did not please Steph, what was to happen next displeased her even more.

Steph walked into the hospitals ICU and over to the reception desk, the gray haired, wrinkled nearly toothless woman receptionist who was staring into space and chewing gum looked at her with cloudy misty eyes that couldn’t seem to focus on anything.

‘Can I help you madam, I’m not good with his computer stuff but I’ve got Clive to help me, I normally work in the sweetie shop but the other receptionist has been taken ill. Now, where were we?

Oh yes, are you a patient?’

‘No, I’m Steph Ackerman, wife of Phil Ackerman, can I see him please he’s in ICU?’

Asked Steph who felt sorry for the woman,

‘Clive, can you check for Phil Ackerman please and take his wife to him please?’

A man that could have been the woman’s grandson and a wild brown bare walked forward towards the computer and started inputting Phil’s details. In a quiet voice that didn’t sound like it belonged in his body the man said

‘Mrs Ackerman follow me please.’

Steph and Clive walked through corridors and up and down stairs, past a canteen, an X-ray and MRI room before walking in to a private room with a body connected to drips and a ventilator.

Steph gasped as she looked at the body, Clive started to say

‘I know this is a bit of a shocking sight for you Mrs Ackerman, but we’ve keeping him sedated and on life support to help his body start to heal’.

Steph looked at him and said

‘That’s not my husband, and I know it’s not my husband because my husband is not black and has a snake tattoo on his right arm, and my name tattooed on his left arm.’

‘In that case it seems we have made a huge mistake, but he was driving your husband’s car, do you know if he’s lost his car today’.

‘Not as far as I know, I think I better call home and see if he’s there, where can I use my phone’ Asked Steph

‘Please go outside and tell me so I can alert the police and other authorities.’

Steph walked out of the double doors and turned on her phone, 3 voice mails and 7 texts from Phil were waiting for her, he explained that his car had been stolen and if she couldn’t pick him up from the police station the police would drop him off home.’

Steph phoned home and Phil picked up the phone.


‘Hi Phil it’s Steph, sorry I wasn’t at home the person who stole it crashed it and is on life support, due to your documents being in the car they phoned me, I’ve explained it’s not you and it’s sorted out.’

‘Great, the car was stolen from the multi story car park opposite work, come home please love I need your support.’

‘Ok Phil, I’ll be home soon bye for now’.

Phil poured out another drink and held the flick-knife which he had found behind the microwave when he’d dropped the coffee that was in the above cupboard behind it. As luck would have it for Phil, but not Steph he hadn’t eaten or drunk any of the food or drink, he’d thrown everything away straight away and gone to the local Kebab shop. After eating a Donna Kebab and coke he’d walked home and sat in complete darkness waiting for Steph to return from where ever she was, he knew she would because she’d left her passport clothes and other items she wouldn’t in her wildest dreams live without, and started seriously considering his options, he knew that the only thing to do was confront her, get the truth out of her, kill her and anyone else who was involved. Unbeknown to him, Phil sat in the same chair that Steph was sitting in and listened to the same clock that she had just hours previously.

Unlike Steph, however, Phil heard the gates open, the sound of tiers on gravel and the sound of the integral garage door opening, he waited for the sound of the cars door to open and shut and noticed that he was waiting an unusually long time for Steph, it was as if she was one of those old people who struggle to get out of cars.

In the car, Steph decided it was time to make sure, after giving Jake a quick update she agreed with him that it would be a good idea to go in armed. Steph stored her Jack in the back of the car due to having a lot of work related items in her boot Reaching in to the back of her car Steph found the car jack and placed it folded up in her gym bag that she’s used to go swimming the week before. She then got out of the car and opened the door that led from the garage to the house, seeing there was no lights on she opened her gym bag as quietly as she could and un- folded the jack. She walked in the living room turning on the light, to her horror, Phil was standing straight in-front of her, and he was holding a carving knife, the flick-knife was on a small coffee table,

‘You’ve got 5 seconds to arm yourself and explain yourself.’ Phil growled at Steph, there was no facial expression and a vacant far-away look in his eyes. Steph took action; she swung the gym bag and hit Phil in the chest, gasping Phil collapsed into a chair panting, Phil struggled to sit up and regain control.

‘You bitch, tell me what happened and what you’re playing at and you get to live’.

Steph brought down the car jack on Phil’s head, Phil groaned and went limp, a huge gash started pouring blood down his forehead, Steph checked for a pulse, found one and phoned Jake.

‘Jake, I’ve knocked Phil out with a car Jack, he’s on the sofa, I need you to help me move him and tie him up in the cellar and clean up the blood, he’s still alive.’

‘Well done love, ok I’ll be right over’.

Jake put the phone down, went in to his bedroom got some gloves, rope and scissors, he drove up to Phil’s house, Steph met him at the gates,

‘I think I’ve caused some major brain injury, he’s not making and sense and can’t seem to move, he’s fallen to the floor and is just lying there unable to talk.

‘Good, that should make life a lot easier, unless you’re having second thoughts?’

‘Of cause I’m not, let’s get this done and leave to start a new life.’

‘Pack your bags and wait in the car and let me handle this’

‘Jake, are you sure we can do this and get away with it?’

‘Yeah I do babe, you’ll laugh at this, but I’ve dreamed of it’

Steph walked of and started to pack her bag, Jake walked in to the house and headed to the babbling bloody mess that had once been one of his best friends. Phil look very old but young at the same time, he pulled his head up from the thing shagpile carpet, Jake was momentary shocked it to a paralyzed state as he saw Phil had had a massive stroke, the left side of his body looked like wax that was hanging of off a lit candle that had been allowed to burn un hindered for several hours, with a pang Jake also saw that Phil had tried to lift his lifeless arm up to the coffee table and then tried to get his hand to grip it. With his working right hand, Phil beckoned Jake to sit beside him, after several minutes of indecision, Jake o bayed, Phil then went in to some unintelligible gobbledygook, suddenly, with tears in both of their eyes Phil said just one sentence

‘Help me or kill me, save me and I’ll change and pay back all the money to all the people I have conned’.

It was to be Phil’s last sentence for fours year as he suffered another stroke.

Unable to go through with it, Jake cleaned up and got Steph to call an ambulance while he buried the Car Jack and clothes 25 miles away, he then called Dave Chatman.

‘Phil’s had two strokes and is as good as dead, I think forcing him to live will be punishment enough, there’s no way he’ll ever get back to the sort of life he’s used to.’

‘Let me know when he’s stabilised and I’ll come and visit him in hospital and have a few quiet words with him.’ Dave replied.

‘I’ll do that, Stephs with him, she’s still going to move in with me and me and her are going to bring up our baby, I have to go now I’ll give you a report in the morning.’

Jake ended the call and drove to saint Jo’s, luckily he was able to park close to the front of the ICU and a different receptionist was on the desk, Jake’s happiness was short lived, however, as he saw Steph talking to PC Own, she explained what had happened and confirmed the phone call but then lied and told the police she’s found her husband as the ambulance men had found him.

After Steph had lied her way through it even saying Jake was a family friend and wasn’t at the house at any point during the night a nurse took her aside.

‘Steph, Phil has had two massive strokes, we have no idea as to the extent of the brain damage, but we can say it’s very bad, please follow me, ignore all the tubes and the ventilator it’s just taking over his breathing to let his brain recover.’ She explained. Steph saw that the man who’d been mistaken as her husband was now awake and talking even though he was hand cuffed,

‘Oh god, I’ve got to contact the insurance company, the police are going to talk to him in the morning so we should get answers to all the questions and see if he can shed some light on the attack.’ Steph told Jake, Jake who was drinking a hot chocolate simply nodded

They walked to the ICU, Phil was connected to drips, a ventilator and a lot of other machines, he had be sedated to help the brain recover, Steph sat on a chair and held his hand,

‘I think he’s stable enough to let you sit with him for a while’ said an Indian nurse and walked away.

‘We’ll spend one hour with him then leave, I’ll sell the house and get him but in a good care home out the way somewhere.’ Steph told Jake and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Nurses constantly returned to check Phil’s condition, having decided nothing was going to change and they couldn’t really talk Jake and Steph decided to leave and go back to Jakes flat. The car journey home was a mix of joy and panic, what if Phil lived? What if he was able to testify well they’d just have to wait and see the both decided they’d have to ensure he really did die if he coursed any threat to them?’ The two of them shared Jakes bed and have a long relaxing and refreshing sleep.

The next day the two of them lounged in bed and even decided to order a take away, Jake answered the door in a dressing gown and slippers,

‘Do you want plates or not?’ he called to Steph who was still lying in bed. Jake thought to himself what an amazing woman Steph was, she’d practically killed a man who’d treated her like a princess and was just getting on with life as if it was a normal day, he admired her for that.

‘No love, just bring it in to the bed in its packaging.’ She replied.

Jake got two knives and forks from kitchen draw and returned to bed.

When the mail was over with neither of them wanted to wash up, Jake threw the packaging including the knives and forks in the open fireplace, he decided he’d burn them when the weather got cold.

Feeling slightly guilty Steph phoned the hospital

‘ICU, can I hope you.’

‘My name is Steph Ackerman, by husband Phil was assorted and had two strokes last night, do you have an update on him for me at all?’

He’s still under sedation for now but ever hour he’s with us is an hour he’s brains had to recover.’

‘Thank you, I have a note of visiting house and I’ll be there to see him later’.

Steph ended the call and smiled,

‘Looks like his life’s going to be a living hell; I’ll just go for a bath and show my face, you know the grieving wife part’.

Jake agreed and started to watch the football on TV.

It was just after 4PM when Steph left the flat, another perfectly blue sky with a blazing sun she noticed as she walked to the car, she turned the radio on loud and turned on the A.C to keep herself cool. Deciding that there was no point spending huge amounts of money on parking, Steph parked in a side-street and walked to the hospital, she went straight through the double doors, along the corridor and to the ICU to her amazement and slight panic Phil was awake and looked at her. The left side of his face was like nothing Steph had ever, and didn’t ever want to see again, he’s useless arm lay on a pillow, he had a pen and paper on a table due to not being able to talk, he pointed at Steph and then to another horrible orange chair. Steph declined his offer, Phil started to write on the pad.

‘I know what you learned came as a shock to you, I also know our marriage was over a long time ago, I’ve told the police that I was attacked by two men in sky masks, and I’ll stick to that story on two conditions:

1. You sell the house and let me have all the money to get the best rehab money can buy.

2. You never contact me again.

3. You and Jake marry and pretend Jake’s the babies’ father.

Failure to comply with these instructions will result in your, Jake and the baby’s death, I don’t think I can’t and won’t do it. It’ll be a shame to increase the number of people I’ve killed to 15 enteritis that meant nothing to me.

Now you will sit with me and have a perfectly normal conversation and today will be the last time you’ll see my face to face, I’ve already arranged a transfer to a private hospital, this will take place tonight.’

Steph had known that this was coming but it didn’t stop the tears welling up in her eyes. She slowly removed her wedding ring and lowered her had to Phil’s to remove his. Her heart missed a beat as she realised he’d already done it, he motioned to the bit side cabinet where the ring lay, he indicated that she should take it but pointing at it and then at her bag, slowly Steph o bayed Phil’s mimed instructions. Phil then tried his hardest to pull off an evil smile, giving up all hope of pulling this off but realising Steph knew what he was trying to do Phil stopped; he reached for the pad again.

‘Get me a glass of water please, it looks like I’ll need a straw as well, see if you can get that arranged as well’.

Steph walked over to the nurse’s station and spoke to a tired Irish woman.

‘Excuse me please nurse, my husband’ pointing to Phil, ‘would like a drink of water, can you sort him one out with a straw please.’

You’ll have to get your own straws I’m afraid, there’s a Burger King in the hospital, just return to the main entrance you came in then go straight up along the corridor you’ll see some shops such as W H Smiths, Burger King’s on the left.

Returning with about 10 straws, Steph put on in the plastic cup of water that had come from the water dispenser and the rest in a draw that was in the cabinet.

Phil struggled to drink the water even with the nurses help, Steph decided she couldn’t bare to watch and waited outside ICU for Phil to finish.

‘Phil would like to speak to you Steph, he’s very tired so please make it brief’ the nurse told her a few minutes later.

Phil was already scribbling a note. When he was done Steph read it

‘Tell Jake I hold no grudges, the better man won and if you keep your end of the bargain, you’ve got the perfect life, I’ve had a slight change of heart. I’ll add £50,000 to your bank account soon. It’s time for you to go now, thanks for everything you’ve ever done for me. Steph left, the drive to Jakes seemed to drag on and on although it was no longer than 20 minutes.

In a dark gray car, Dave Chatman warring a grey suit, red and white striped baseball cap and light blue tie was sitting and waiting for Steph to return and Frank, Missy’s dad to come down to collect the drugs. The truth, however was that Dave was going to kill Frank, he couldn’t believe that the Timms had been arrested and that useless waste of space that thought he could destroy his business was now as good as dead, but that wasn’t enough, Dave decided that Frank was next. Suddenly he saw that Frank was walking towards the car.

‘Hello Frank, please get in the car on the other side of the back, we need to go on a little drive because we’ve got a lot of working out to do.’

‘Erm, right fine, I’m not too sure about’.

‘Just get in the fucking car.’

Worried by the comment Frank obeyed, a huge man with a shaved head and python tattoo slivering round his neck and shoulders was in the driving seat.

‘you will remain silent and listen to what I say, what I will say to you will be the last words you will ever hear, You’ve let me down, you couldn’t keep the Timms alive, so it’s time for you to die, oh I almost forgot Missy will press the button that will lead to your death, she’s been waiting a long time for this moment to come nearly all her life.’ Dave Chatman

After minutes of complete silent’s the car turned in to a Cou De-sac, the driver drove the car to a garage with a blue door, the paint was pealing of in giant flakes, the lock was rusted, the driver got out the car, still leaving the engine on, he opened the door and started driving into the garage.

To Franks surprise they back wall of the garage had been knocked down, a conveyor belt with circular saws was waiting for something or someone to be placed on it. There was an elderly looking woman and a teenage boy standing to the right of the conveyor belt.

To the left of the conveyor belt was a large panel at which Missy was standing, she had an evil glint in her eye and a half smile on her face, she looked like she was the parent and he the mischievous child.

Chapter 4: How many funerals?

As the car drew to a stop Frank noticed that the teen age boy and old woman where actually being held at gun point. Dave literally jumped out of the car, headed to the boot, removed some long rope and a flick-knife and walked to the old lady.

Sylvia, you fucked up once too often, do you have Alzheimer's or something? You’re not meant to squeal when the cops disturb your bloody coffee mornings, well you’ve really blown it now haven’t you!.’

Dave’s voice had risen both in pitch and loudness until he was practically screaming, feeling that Sylvia was moving too slowly with her walking stick, Dave gave her a short, sharp push, Sylvia fell to the ground and burst into tears. The man with the tattoos lifter her up and practically threw her onto some kind of trolley, it had moveable side-bars and was on a plank of metal with a huge space in the middle obviously to allow the saws to cut through the victims spine.

The man, who hadn’t uttered a word or broken a sweat tied the rope round Sylvia and the two large think screws that where at either side of the trolleys sides. Sylvia looked at him with terror in her eyes, he mouth kept opening in a scream but it just wouldn’t come out.

‘Should I put the roof of this contraption on, or shall we let them watch and suffer the horrible sight.’

The man asked in a loud deep voice,

‘Yes Rick, let them see that they don’t mess around with me and get away with it.’

All this time Missy had been standing there watching everything that had happened. She picked up a remote control with two buttons a red one and a green one, a key with no key ring was hanging out of the top of the controller.

Missy turned the key. There was a loud humming noise, the floor rumbled, a long beep started, some kind of hydraulic system kicked in starting 5 presses smashing on the belt over the other side. And then, suddenly despite the minutes of continues noise, the conveyor belt finally started to move.

The trolley still remained stationary, Frank guessed, as he found out minutes later that one of the buttons must make the saws move, the other would start the trolley,

Dave held a hand up to Missy, indicating that should wait, and that he was going to talk to the now silently crying Sylvia.

‘You’re old, so I might just take some pity on you; you have 30 seconds to explain to me just why I shouldn’t carry out your funeral now. Ok there won’t be any hymns or whatever but hah it’ll be worth it, choose your words carefully.’

He started walking deliberately slowly towards Missy with a cold-hard smile painted all over her face.

‘Soon I will ask Missy to press the green button, it activates the trolley that will start moving to the crushers you see before you, this takes exactly 38 seconds I’ve timed it, you’ve got that amount of time to decide if you’re going to get crushed or sawed.’

‘I’ll tell you why you should keep me alive, I know what you’ve done Dave, and I’ve documented it to be passed on to my cousin Owen who is a policeman in my death, if you save me then I’ll destroy the documents, and there’s another there, the Timms, Alex Davis bike crash, the my brother and sister in-law having to move in to the ground floor flat so that Jake Davis could move into it, it’s all there as well as tapes I’ve secretly recorded you on.’

Dave walked over to Sylvia’s body and elbowed her in the face. Sylvia gasped as blood poured from her nose and mouth,

‘Give me more information on where this evidence is, otherwise I’ll take my chances and break that paretic shadow of a life you have’.

‘No, you’re not getting anything from me.’

‘In that case you’re going back into the cellar, Vince get the hand cuffs.’

The ugly looking man walked over to the trolley and yanked both Sylvie’s skeletal like wrists together, sending his left hand towards his right trouser pocket he pulled out some hand cuffs, he then roughly used them on Sylvia wrists, he then pull her to her feed and dragged her to the right side of the house.

Out of site he removed the hand cuffs.

‘Good work mum, you acted that very well, it’s time to get the most out of Frank, and I’ll take you home soon.’ Whispered Vince, as he cleaned up the fake blood.

Vince walked back to the conveyor belt and then to Frank, he grabbed Franks collar that was wet with sweat and frog marched him to the trolley, he instructed Frank to get on the trolley, when he refused, Vince went to his left pocket, once again to his left he withdrew a stun gun and shot Frank in the chest, Frank fell to the ground and started rolling and screaming.

Finally when he had regained control of his body, Frank climbed onto the trolley, once again he was tied up using the rope on the two screws of the trolley, Dave walked over to the trolley and bent down until his face was in Frank pale sweat-coved face.

‘Now Frank, it’s your turn to save your perfect life, I give you a good wage, you’re in another good Stephb that brings in the salary that lets you have 2 houses abroad and a yatch you own, ‘

Leaning even closer as he pulled out a list and pen from his shirt pocket.

‘Now, you will explain to me what happened to the Timms?’

‘I don’t know I wasn’t even at home, I was in Croydon sorting out some contracts for work’.

‘lying to me is stupid and a waste of time, tell me what you know, why did you not help the Timms, why did you hide away when the police arrived, what made you chicken out of providing an alibi you your own ex-boss who you took over the company for seven years ago?

Is there no loyalty in the world of friendship?’

‘I wasn’t there, you know I wasn’t at home, why would I be at a time we needed the contract?’

You’ve just blown the only chance you had of leading a legal life, I’d cleared your criminal record and everything.’

Dave walked over to Missy.

‘First, press the red button to activate the saws, then the green one to start moving the trolley, but let me get a fag and my phone out first to film it.’

As good as his word, Frank got a cigarette and his mobile out of his jacket, not being able to find a lighter he returned the B&H Gold to the package it’d come from.

‘Right press those buttons.’ Dave commanded. Missy o bayed, as the trolley rolled to the circular saws, Frank screamed in pain for the split second it took for the saw to rip him to shreds, Missy smiled and asked Dave to drive her home which he did.

During the time Steph had been at the hospital, Jake been busy, he quickly called Caz and invited her over, after he explained the full situation with Phil and Steph in regards to the baby and lying about the attack claiming he’d first known about it and gone to the hospital when Steph had called him, and Phil’s current condition, the two of them ended up in bed together, after they’d had sex the conversation turned to the skiing holiday.

‘Jake, will you still come on the skiing holiday with me?’

‘Yeah I mean I paid for our tickets, note the word our; you’d better get dressed now, its likely Steph will return.’

Caz pulled on her knickers and trousers that she’d thrown on to the huge bright and sunny bedrooms floor. She brushed her hair and was just about to give Jake a final kiss when they were interacted by the entry buzzer, Jake indicated to Caz that she should hide in a conveniently placed cupboard that he’d bought to hang coats up and leave his shoes in, it was on the wall to the right of the front door.

Caz was able to stand in the cupboard and pull the doors closed, it was clear to her that she just needed to push the door forward making it possible for her to make an easy escape when Steph went in to the front room that was on the other side of the flat.

‘Hi Jake, well it’s over and Phil’s sorted out a private hospital which he will be moved to tonight, he’ll give us £50,000 to leave him alone, I now need to go and feed Coco the cat, I also don’t know the code to enter the flat, I ran the fob over the sensor and it told me to enter a code, what is it?’

‘Oh right, sorry the number’s 4791’.

‘Thanks love, I’ll see you soon.

Jake put down the entry phone and ran to the kitchen window that looked onto the car park, he saw Steph getting in to her car which she’d, without knowing it had parked next to Caz’s, after she’d driven off Jake told Caz to come out of the cupboard and leave,

‘Give me one last kiss darling.’ Whispered Caz. Jake obeyed.

‘You know we can’t do this again angel, I’m going to be a daddy soon’.

‘You’re right, Jake, that shouldn’t have.’ Caz stopped talking as Jake kissed her again.

Without any idea why, Jake said

‘I love you more than Steph; please don’t stay far away from me.’

Caz looked at him as if he’d just punched her.

‘Don’t be a fucking twit, you’ve got a baby on the way, I love you so much, I’ve only known you for two weeks but already you’re super glued to my heart.’

Caz walked out. Jake sat down and cried as all the events of the last few days hit him again.

After Jake had pulled himself together he phoned Stephsh, an old college friend who he’d seen regularly for the 4 years he’d been at college but who was still in Southampton. Unfortunately Stephsh was at work, so Jake gave Susan, Stephsh’s mum his phone number that she said she’d pass on to Stephsh, as he put the phone down, Jake heard some loud meowing as Steph walked in with the brown cat that Jake had seen before, she then returned to the car and returned with a litter tray and cat bowls.

‘I couldn’t bear to leave Coco with the neighbours so I brought him back.’

‘What no, I can’t have pets in the flat, it’s against the rules and regulations, he’s going to have to go, or can we maybe move to yours and Phil’s house?’

Stephs eyes filled with tears as she looked at Jake.

‘Someone’s broken in, they got through the back French doors, they didn’t steal anything but they left me a message.’

Reaching into her trouser pocket she produced a piece of card that was the size of a business card such as the kinds big wigs in suits provide to just about anyone who’ll give them the time of day.

Stuck to the back of the card was a folded up piece of lined paper like the kind found in exercise books in school, this had been stapled and sellotaped in half, Jake saw that Steph hadn’t attempted to removed the sellotape or staple and that both sides of the sheet had been written on in tiny text blue biro, Jake could make out the words.

‘Activate a bomb, boat ready to blow, you’ll pay for. Don’t ask any more questions.’

Jake took the card and paper from Steph’s hands and removed the sellotape and staple, he put it on to the kitchen work surface, for a second he considered putting on gloves to un-fold the paper, although he reasoned the possibilities that, Steph had destroyed any or most of the finger prints or that the writer had also warn gloves in the first place, but then again, there was a chance.

Jake reached into the cupboard under the sink to retrieve some gloves, put them on and hoped for the best as he unfolded the letter, he started reading.

‘Phil, Ricky was on to us, so we are going to take the necessary steps to remove him, we know he will sail on his boat at the weekend, most likely tomorrow, and have decided it’s the best time to carry out an assignation, so we’ve set the wheels in motion, we spoke to Dr death who’s built us a bomb, we then prepared a note outlining our evidence of what he’s done, we then made sure he won’t get too far away from the jetty just to cause more mischief you know?

Anyway, we sent Seb into the dock.

He located the boat, removed the life jackets, write and place the note entitled ‘you’ll pay,’ with information informing him that he only had to move the letter to activate the bomb, so now the boat’s ready to blow, if you look behind you, you’ll notice Jerome (who’s really Seb, well we’ve got to play it safe just in case he survives.) |Just do what he says and don’t ask any more questions, the note ends.

Then Seb will finish the job, so to speak.

Oh yeah, sorry about the French doors, but we’ve got someone coming to replace them for you.

Anthony Hazkings.’

Jake looked at Steph,

‘We don’t need to get evolved in this, destroy this note and get on with your life, I’m not going there again, the criminal underworld’s been my life for too long, we won’t say anything, it’s for the best.

Steph slowly nodded; she tore the note apart and threw it into the bin.

Chapter 5: Pretty Fireworks.

Ricky, a 5’7, 36 year old man with sandy hair, blue eyes and a beard woke up at 7AM, got up and got dressed. At about 7:30 his 1 year old son, Michael woke up, Ricky changed Michael’s nappy and fed him breakfast, his wife, Leanne, who was 40, but looked more like 60 with green eyes, flecks of grey in her hair that she had in a pony tail, and lines over her face from heavy smoking and drinking that she’d carried out until her children were born was the next to wake up at 7:45.

‘Hello love, I’ll be back at about 9PM tonight from the boat,’ he bent down to kiss Michael and Leanne; give Lucy a kiss for me when she wakes up’. Lucy was their 3 year old daughter who looked like a princess, she’d gotten her mums sea-green eyes and her dad’s sandy hair.

She had a small birthmark on her right arm just below the elbow that looked like a leaf.

Ricky picked up his rucksack, got some lunch consisting of a sandwich, crisps, a pork pie and several cans of coke.

Although the boat had a kitchen with a fridge, freezer and oven, as well as a bathroom which contained a sink, shower and toilet in it, Ricky didn’t use the boat enough to stock everything up, and Leanne hated boats, Ricky thought that Lucy wasn’t quite old enough to come with him for safety reasons, but decided to take her on her 4th birthday.

Putting on is leather jacket, Ricky reached for his car keys that were hanging on a key holder at the front door.

Ricky quietly closed the front door and crossed the road to his Ford Galaxy,

He walked to the boot to put his rucksack into it, he took the keys from his pocket and put them in the boots lock, suddenly he realised that his boat and house keys had fallen on to the road from the key ring that had broken,

This is a bad sign, he thought to himself as he bent down to retrieve the keys, he put the keys in an inside pocket and headed to the driver’s door, before starting the car Ricky unlocked a small draw that was under the passenger seat and got out the radio and Sat-Nav, he clicked on the saved dock location and started driving to the dock.

Four or five cars where queering at the barrier, Ricky remembered that he’d forgotten his pass.

‘Oh for fuck sake, well that’s another hour I’ve lost.’ he said out loud, he turned the car around and drove home.

‘Daddy,’ screamed Lucy as he walked in the door, ‘come here baby girl’ said Ricky as he wrapped his arms round his daughter in a bear hug and bought her up to face level, after a few seconds he gently put her back on the ground.

‘Is there something wrong Ricky?’ Leanne asked.

‘I forgot the pass didn’t I?’

‘Oh, I put it in your rucksack dear,’

Ricky just managed to stop himself from swearing in front of Lucy.

‘Thanks, buy Honey’s. He said to Leanne and Lucy hugging and kissing them both.

From then on, Ricky’s luck seemed to change, he made the 45 minute car journey in 30, and there was no queue at the dock’s entrance, as he thought to himself that things were getting better now, he drove over something sharp.

He knew things where bad when he heard his front tires, both of them burst.

He slowly parked in the closes space and walked to the front of his car, he saw that the tires were totally ripped apart,

Ricky walked over to the barrier.

‘Excuse me, can you phone the RAC, or someone I have to go on my boat, you’ve got my details?’ asked Ricky as he passed over his pass.

‘Yes Ricky we’ll do that for you, we’ll get them to send you the bill, is that ok?’

‘Yeah, do whatever, I have to go’.

Ricky walked to his boat, as he did he reached into his pocket to get out the key, he climbed in to the boat and unlocked the door, he threw the rucksack onto the floor and went to turn on the engine before un-tying the boat.

As Ricky was about to untie the boat, he noticed a small patch of cigarette ash that was in the middle of the deck, the position it was in confirmed that there was no way it could have fallen from the end of a cigarette that someone had been smoking whilst they were walking on the jetty and Ricky had never smoked in his life accept for one time when he was a teenager and decided to try a mates cigarette, in other words, someone else had been on the boat.

Ricky ignored his rucksack, and even with the boats engine running jumped off the boat and ran up the jetty.

Seconds later, the boat exploded in an amazing firework display of blue and orange flames that shot up to more than twice the height of his boat.

Worried debris might hit him, he dropped to the hard wet wood of the jetty, he could hear people screaming and yelling around him and someone asking him to squeeze his hand if he could hear him, Ricky wanted to but he seemed to have lost the ability to move and was paralysed all over.

Several minutes later, he began to speak incoherent rubbish, he was helped to his feet by paramedics who had been called, the fire brigade raced through the barrier to try and extinguish the fire, however, they’d had a wasted journey as the fire have burnt out.

Ricky was taken to hospital and treated for shock but he refused to provide contact details for any family member. When he felt better he demanded that he was discharged, he then asked for the number of a taxi firm and called a taxi to take him home,

‘Where to mate?’ ask the taxi driver in a strong Australian accent,

Ricky gave the cabbie his address and sat quietly in the passenger seat,

‘So, did everything turn out ok in the hospital?’ asked the Australian. Ricky decided it was better to lie to get the cabbie to leave him alone.

‘I am dying of cancer, I’d rather not talk at all right now, I need to work out how I’m going to live the last few months.’

The cabbie pulled up at some traffic lights and tried to put his arm around Ricky’s shoulders, Ricky flinched and looked away. As the taxi pulled into Ricky’s road he took out his wallet.

‘There’s a petrol station ahead, pull in there, stop the meatier and I’ll withdraw the money from the ATM.’

‘Ok mate, it’s £212.45’

Whatever, just pull in to the petrol station on the left then wait for me.’

The taxi pulled in to the petrol station and Ricky got out of the car, he left his rucksack in the taxi to confirm that he wasn’t going to run off without paying the taxis bill.

Ricky withdrew £220 from the ATM, handed over £215 to the cabbie and told him to keep the remaining £2.55 and said he’d walk home from there, the cabbie saw from his Sat-Nav that the house would take about 5 minutes to walk to and offered to drive Ricky there for free, once again Ricky refused saying that he ‘needed to seriously consider his options, thank you for the offer but good bye.’

The taxi driver drove off, Ricky put the rucksack on his back and started walking up the main road, reaching a crossing Ricky crossed the road and walked up Lawn Gardens road, as he did so a car pulled up just behind him, thinking it was one of the residences cars, he ignored it until a voice he didn’t know called his name.

‘Ricky, I need to talk to you, come over here, please.’

‘Not going to happen, I don’t know you and I want nothing more to’

Ricky was silenced by the blow to the back of his head which knocked him out.

As he fell to the floor he broke two of his front teeth on the un-even paving slabs.

‘Ant, Seb, Get out here and help me move the body,’

‘Yes sir where should be put it?’ Asked Seb, Ant, who had been sitting in the back of the car opened the door and got out, he was holding a pack of industrial garden sacks from a local garden centre.

Dave Chatman considered,

‘We want him alive for now, so take him to the warehouse, rough him up a bit but whatever you do, keep him awake.’

‘I’ve got some questions for him, such as why he pretended to be called Tom, and how we knows DCI Robinson and much more although this information only came to light when you showed me the picture of him from your camera phone Seb.

Oh and while we’re on the subject, you must never send notes to Phil, he double crossed us once and I had to lie to someone called Jake to get us out of the shit, and now he’s well and truly dealt with.

Seb and Ant covered Ricky’s body in 3 of the bags, cutting the bags where needed, they then bundled him into the car as Dave walked to the local corner shop to buy a paper.

Dave returned and got back in the driving seat, he started driving the car in the direction of The Themes, a pub which was one of the many that had been ruined by the smoking ban.

Dave had obtained the keys thanks to Martreial, whos children’s Li and Dezunque’s university fees Dave was paying.

Dave packed the car in the car park that was behind the pub and couldn’t be seen from the road.

Seb and Ant dragged the huge, long object that was Ricky’s body across the car park, through the main bar area, behind the bar, through another door, down a steep stair case and into a cold, dank, dank cellar. Seb picked up a knife from a barrel of beer that was still connected the tap, he cut the black sacks off of Ricky as Ant wheeled out a hospital trolley and restraints.

‘Put him on the trolley and tie him up, wait till he comes round, then we can have a little chat. Oh and then Seb, we’ll all have a drink, mines a John Smiths extra cold. Make sure his feet are where his head should be and raise the top of the trolley so his feet are above his head.’

Said Dave as he sat down on a crate that had been used to carry glass bottles that he pulled up close to the trolley.

Seb returned to the cellar with the drinks, himself, Ant and Dave sat down around the trolley and waited.

‘He’s not waking up, Dave. What should we do?’ asked Ant.

Dave walked out of the cellar and into the kitchen; he turned on the cold tap and filled up the washing up bowl. He returned to the cellar and threw it straight over the trolley. Ricky started to cough, Dave walked to the right side of Ricky’s face, Ricky opened one eye.

‘Da........Dave, what do you’.

‘shut up and pay attention, you lied to be Ricky, why did you pretend to be called Tom, are you working for the cops, what’s the point of this all?’ hissed Ricky.

Ricky started to mutter.

Dave pulled the bottom of the trolley, which infected was where Ricky’s feet were and raised it even higher.

‘Ok, I’ll tell you, Tom’s my contacts name, I don’t want anything to do with this, I can deal with the forgeries, check my phone.’

Dave took Ricky’s phone and found the number for Tom, he phoned him gave his information and was able to confirm that Ricky was telling him the truth.

Dave lowered Ricky’s legs and let him stand up, he then asked Seb to give him a blindfold and guided Ricky into the back seat of his car, Seb sat with Ricky holding a gun to his hand, Ant say up front with Dave, after about 25 minutes Dave stopped the car.

‘If you ever let me down again, it won’t just be your family that dies. It’ll be you, go home now and enStephy being a daddy, while you can.’

Ricky ran up his road to his door, he unlocked it quickly and poured himself a brandy

Leanne walked into the room, Ricky tried to act normally.

Without speaking a word or even looking at Ricky she turned on the TV and tuned in to Sky news.

‘It’s been confirmed that the boat that blew up and the Golden Eagle dock was that of Ricky and Leanne Cordle.’

Leanne turned to look at Ricky and said.

‘I’ve booked a flight to see Karen in LA, we leave in 1 hour, I don’t know what you’ve done and I don’t care because I love you, Bradley is going to look after the house for us and drive us to the airport’.

Ricky kept an eye on Michael and Lucy while Leanne finished packing, 45 minutes later Bradley arrived in his car, everyone quickly got into the car with Lucy in a booster seat and Michael in a car seat. The short Stephurney to Gatwick airport passed in mostly silence as rain started to fall.

‘You’ll phone me when you want me to collect you, right?’

Asked Bradley as he turned the car into the car park.

‘Yes, we will, thanks for everything’ said Leanne.

As the car pulled into a parking space none of the passengers had no idea that a bomb had be planted on the plane.

Dave had bugged the phone and was tracking all calls and internet use, he had instructed some criminal masterminds to plant the bomb on the play the Cordle’s would be flying in, the baggage handlers hand also filled the hold with fireworks. The bomb was set to detonate 180 seconds after takeoff.

The family went into check in then spent time in the departure lounge, Leanne went to the baby changing room to put a clean nappy on Michael and, despite her protests she put a pull-up on Lucy.

The gates were open, all the passengers started boarding the plane, the standard instruction and safety presentations indicating the emergency exits and how to use the oxygen masks if need be.

After the presentation, the pilot made an announcement.

‘Ladies and gentleman this is your pilot speaking, I’d like to welcome you aboard this 03:22 flight to Los Angeles, I regret to inform you that our take of has been delayed by approximately 3 minutes due to a plane landing slightly later than then planned, please remain in your seats and we will take off in just a few minutes.

I would like to take this opportunity to inform all passengers that the weather for today in LA is dry and hot; temperatures are expected to reach the 90’s.

If you require any assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask the cabin crew by pushing the call button above your head,

My name is James, and I’ll be your pilot today, please sit back, relax and enStephy the flight. Thank you.’

A Second later the plane exploded, everyone in the terminal could only look on in amazement and horror at the 3 month early firework display, debris hit the side of the terminal building and exploded, the steps became a tower of flames, fire crews rushed to the scene and started to extinguish the blaze, they raced up a ladder and managed to break down the door, but by then it was too late, 104 people had been on the plane, 104 families had lost loved ones.

Chapter 6: Guy fork’s failure.

Sweating and shaking Jake awoke, he knew that Ricky had done unforgivable things in this life, and there were most likely others but he couldn’t be responsible for the death of 100 or more people.

He did a quick shower and shave and headed to the garage, it was still only 4:45AM and he hoped he had enough time to reach the dock.

As Jake started the car it was almost as if a sixth sense had taken over, he had no idea where he was going but somehow managed to drive to the dock

Realising he had no way to get thru the barrier, he parked in a side street to come up with a plan, several workers started to arrive, Jake knew that tail gating would be too noticeable, after about an hour he decided he’d have to find a new entrance, he locked his car and started walking towards the dock but to the right to make it seem that he was simply walking past the dock to his final location, there seemed to be no other entrance that didn’t have a barrier, so Jake crossed the road and turned left, then he saw it just on the corner of the dock part of the fence had collapsed, the view from the towers was obstructed by large containers that were set slightly away from the gab making it possible for him to climb thru the hole and use the containers as cover.

Jake once again crossed the road so he was now opposite the broken fence, looking left and right to make sure no one would see him he crouched down and crowed thru, he hugged the containers and slowly and silently snuck to the right, he saw the boat that he’d seen the dream at the nearest jetty. Jake moved, more quickly now towards the jetty and inside the boat, he checked the deck for cigarette ash and saw that he was in time, he walked the front of the boat to await the person who, he knew had planted the bomb.

20 minutes later the man appeared, he climbed onto the boat and walked over to the engine, Jake flew into action, he gripped on the man’s leather coat, and his other arm wrapped around the man’s throat, Jake kicked the bomb into the water.

‘You’ve got some questions to answer, who are you, what are you doing on this boat and who are you working for?’ Snarled Jake, the man started struggling, he tried to kick out but Jake wrapped one leg round the man’s two, the men then tried to bite Jakes hand, Jake head butted him, the man spat out blood and teeth over Jakes shoes,

‘Right, that’s it, you’re going to sleep with the fish.’ Hissed Jake as he karate chopped on the neck and dropped him over the side of the boat into the water.

Seb reached for his gun, with Ant most likely dead he knew he had to kill this inconvenience, as Seb left the car security started running from all direction

‘Drop the gun and get to your knees now, snipers are ready to shoot so don’t try any funny business.’

Shouted a man from a mega phone, Seb aimed the gun and shot.

During the drama Jake had managed to leave the dock and was driving towards home at high speed, he heard the gun shot. Dave Chatman was the only one left and Jake knew what he’d need to do.

Returning home Jake saw that Steph was awake.

‘It’s time to kill Dave, I’m not sure how we’ll do it, but he’s about to kill 104 people on a plane using a bomb with fireworks, I can’t let that happen, I am going to call Dave an arrange a meeting then kill him.’

Steph looked at Jake with tears in her eyes.

‘Phil’s dead, it was a drugs overdose, I arranged it, that doesn’t make me a bad person, does it?’

Jake put an arm around Steph.

‘No love, not after what he did.’ Jake wiped away Steph’s tears and phoned Dave on his mobile.

‘Dave, there’s been a slight change of plan, I need to meet you at Waterloo train station now.’

‘Jake, are you sure about is?

I don’t really haven’t got time for this right now’

‘Dave, this could be a matter of life and death, make time.’

‘But I’ll wait.’

Jake hung up and started to drive to the station, he decided that he’d push Dave in front of a train, but how would he ensure that he wasn’t identified.

He then came up with a new plan he’d push Dave down an escalator.

Parking the car in a side street, Jake went to a parking meter and brought a one hour ticket,

He and Dave had organised a meeting pace be a pillar between platform 4 and 5, Jake sent a text with one word ‘Here’.
Jake expected a text bitching and moaning that Dave was ‘busy’, this would, of cause be busy sorting out a new plan to kill Ricky now that both Seb and Ant where out of the running.

What happened next, however. He didn’t expect. He heard a text message alert sound seconds after sending Dave the text; he then received a tap on his shoulder. Dave had been standing at the other side of the pillar.

‘I’ve got our train tickets, this’d better have been worth it, I had been sorting out plans to keep my life simple, let’s go to platform 2.

The men bored a train to Victoria. The Stephurney passed in complete silence and without event.

The men alighted and walked into the crowded café they sat at a table that was near the counter, Jake pretended to read the menu, but covering most of his face he whispered to Dave

‘I’ve got a feeling that Tom will let us down, he’s gotten most of the forgeries in hand but seems to be very friendly with a police man called Owen, I think our only chance is to remove Owen from this planet, I’ve arranged for us to meet him today at the underground station at Lester SQ, then we’ll both do the deed, I’ve got a kid to be there for my dad failed with me, I’m not going to let that happen with ours, if you’re not happy with this, then I’m sorry but I’m out of this whole business.’

Dave ordered a coffee and donut, Jake decided on a Coke and Belgian bun.

Dave didn’t speak until he’d had a sip of his coffee.

‘Jake, you’ve done the right thing in telling me this here, I’m sorry for my previous comments on the phone and at the station, I knew I could rely on you as far as every one else, well, they mostly seem to be failing.’

Dave took a bit out of his donut before continuing.

‘during my live, I’ve done many stupid things, made many mistake and enemies, but I think that you will be a good, well motivated person to work with, I’d had you watched 24/7 since this started. But now I will get the surveillance stopped.’

Dave sent a text on his mobile, Jake was now extremely worried, what else did Dave know, was Steph working for him? No, the dreams have shown that they were at least living together, albeit with Steph and Caz being in a bisexual relationship with each other and him. Maybe his comments to Caz had changed the future, Jake remembered that most TV shows and books he’d read or seen that were based around the subject had said that the main charters actions changed the passed or future.

Jake came back to reality with a bump, Dave had gotten up and left without paying, he was protesting his innocents saying that he was going to use the toilet and Jake was with him.

Jake confirmed that Dave was completely innocent and paid the bill even though the snack wasn’t finished.

After Dave returned from the toilet he finished his Coffee and donut, the two left to board a train for Lester SQ.

As the pair approached the escalator, Jake pretended to tie his shoe lace, but as Dave continued walking Jake court him up by Stephgging, he then pretended to lose his balance and fall into the back of Dave, at the same time Jake pushed the centre of Dave’s back, this had the desired effect, Dave went down the escalator head over heels, a woman ran up and hit the emergence stop button, a security guard who had heard the commotion and the alarm that had started when the emergency stop button had been pressed ran from the platform to the bottom of the escalator two more security guards ran down the now stationary escalator with a stretcher, minutes later an ambulance was on scene, despite frantic efforts to resuscitate him, Dave was pronounced dead at the scene.

Jake knew that running was no option, he needed to lie to the police to make it seem as though he’d simply tripped and fell causing the terrible accident.

To Jakes horror, DC Robinson arrived and started to interview him.

‘So Jake, what exactly happened’

‘Why didn’t you take me to the station?’

‘Because, from what I understand you’re completely innocent, all I need you to do is prove me right’

‘It’s true, I needed to tie my shoe lace, I started Stephgging to catch up with him and lost my footing. I just tried to get a grip on Dave’s shirt, but, somehow he fell.’

DC Robinson took notes and then remained silence for several minutes.

‘It’s clear to me now that his was indeed a tragic accident, go home now and don’t expect to get any correspondence from the police.’

As Jake started walking away Robinson shouted out.

‘Look, just hang around for a second and I’ll give you a lift, ok?.’

‘Erm no thank you, its ok I can make my own way back thank you. ‘

‘Ok, if you’re sure, if that’s what you really want to do,’

‘Yes, it is.

Jake kept walking towards the exit and got into one of the many taxis that were waiting outside the station.

He asked the driver to drop him off at a bus stop that was just a few minutes away from his flat. However, instead of returning to the flat, he walked to the corner shop that Caz worked in.

An elderly man with grey hair and a white beard was behind the counter, he was in the middle of serving a customer, but looked up when the bell that sounded when customers entered or exited the shop rang.

Jake walked up to the counter and waited for the man to finish serving.

‘Hello, I’m here to see Caz, can you tell me where she is please?’ Jake asked.

The man simply pointed to a door at the back of the shop, as Jake started to walk to the door it flew open. To his horror Caz ran out of the door in tears,

‘He knows, I can’t stay under his roof, sorry’. Whispered Caz as she ran passed Jake, but at the door turned back.

‘He knows in bisexual, I can’t live here anymore, my brother Ashan is gay.’

As Jake watched out of the corner shop window he saw Ashan turn up in a pink convertible, he’s partner, who Jake found out’s name was Ryan was smoking and chewing gum, he lent out of the window and, to Jake’s disgust spat the chewing gum out of the ..

Caz ran out to the can, kissed Ashan on the cheek and loaded her suit cases and bags into the boot, she then ran to Jake and kissed him.

‘Don’t bother calling me on my mobile, I won’t pick up, I’ll call you when I’m ready to talk.’

Caz turned away, got in the car and Ashan drove off, Jake stood on the pavement for 20 minutes, he looked like a statue, he didn’t even move his eyes. He then slowly walked back to his flat and found that Steph was out; however she’d left a note telling him that she’d be back at about 6PM. Jake got a Fosters from the mini bar, turned on Sky sports and caught up with the results of the Formula 1.

Chapter 7: Rick’s different day.

Ricky, a 5’7, 36 year old man with sandy hair, blue eyes and a beard woke up at 7AM, got up and got dressed. At about 7:30 his 1 year old son, Michael woke up, Ricky changed Michael’s nappy and fed him breakfast, his wife, Leanne, who was 40, but looked more like 60 with green eyes, flecks of grey in her hair that she had in a pony tail, and lines over her face from heavy smoking and drinking that she’d carried out until her children were born was the next to wake up at 7:45.

‘Hello love, I’ll be back at about 9PM tonight from the boat,’ he bent down to kiss Michael and Leanne; give Lucy a kiss for me when she wakes up’. Lucy was their 3 year old daughter who looked like a princess, she’d gotten her mums sea-green eyes and her dad’s sandy hair.

She had a small birthmark on her right arm just below the elbow that looked like a leaf.

Ricky picked up his rucksack, got some lunch consisting of a sandwich, crisps, a pork pie and several cans of coke.

Suddenly the phone rang, worried that his mother who was very old and frail had been rushed to hospital, or worse had died, Ricky picked up the phone.


‘Hello, can I speak to Ricky Hoven please.’


‘My name is Pete May, I’m sorry to say there’s been an incident, A few hours ago, someone tried to break into your boat, police have also found a bag in the water that may have contained a bomb.’

‘Your boat was damaged and the insurance company will be in touch.’

Ricky slide into a kitchen chair, fearing that something had happened to his mother Leeann put her arm round Ricky’s shoulders,

‘So, what damage has been done to the boat’, asked Ricky in a choking voice,

‘Quite a lot sir, but I wouldn’t worry too much, the insurance should cover it,’

‘Thank you, I’m sorry I don’t remember your name?’

‘My name is Pete, Ricky’

‘Thanks Pete. Good bye’

‘God bye’.

Rick shakily ended the call. ‘Tell the kid’s we’re going to Brighten for the weekend’. Ricky whispered.

Everyone got ready, Leanne drove the car to Brighton, they spend the day on the pear and sea life centre, they ate fish and chips on the sea front and booked in to a hotel, the rest of the weekend was spend exploring the local and surrounding area, when they returned home, the insurance company had left a message on the answer phone. Sadly, they were greeted by the sad news that Ricky’s mother had died on the Saturday night by a tearful message on the answer phone. Ricky Drove up to be with his elderly father and spent a month up with him, Leanne didn’t go to the funeral having not been close to her mother-in-law and everyone decided that they didn’t want the children to go through it. The insurance money covered the boat repair and all was well.

Chapter 6: September 8th.

Jake woke up early on the day that, he knew his life was to change forever, he got showered and dressed, had a slice of toast and picked up his car keys.

Heading down to his car he was in two minds of he was going to have a drink before he did the deed that he’d wanted to do all his life.

Jake got into his car, turned the engine on, tuned in to Radio One, opening the glove compartment and took out a packet of extra strong mints, he opened the packet with shaky hands and had two mints.

Finally starting the car, Jake started the long drive back to Southampton. Feeling hungry he pulled in to the service station at Fleet, he parked the car in the only space that was anywhere near the entrance, he ran through the drizzling rain, he used the toilet and walked to KFC.

‘Can I have a large popcorn chicken mail with a Pepsi please?’

‘That’ll be £3.99 please, sir’.

Jake handed over the money, eat the pop-corn chicken and went in to WH Smiths, he picked up a copy of The Sun, a Mars bar, a Cherry coke and a packet of Tic-Tacks. After paying for the items Jake got back into the car and put the Cherry coke into a drinks holder that was near the hand break. He drove on stopping only once and a garage to refuel his car, and by the petrol that would cause the fire.

‘Hello, pump number 4 please, and can I have a can of petrol as well?’

The cashier produced a 5 litre bottle of petrol.

Can I have any more please?’ Asked Jake in some surprised, the man shook his head.

‘No sir, it’s the law, that’ll be £59.13 please, sir.’ Jake drove to three more petrol stations, buying another three 5 litres of fuel,

‘Here you are sir, can I ask that you return the bottle if you’d like more petrol, we’re doing our bit for the environment’ asked the woman at the final petrol station.

‘I don’t live in this area, so I won’t be returning this bottle, I won’t recycle it either.’ Jake said over his shoulder as he left the garage.

He then drove to a nearby garden centre and brought a 30 litre can, he decided to also by some weed killer and add that to the petrol

’24.99 please’ Said the assistant.

Jake paid he headed back to his car and poured the contest of the petrol cans and weed killers into the new container. He then continued on his journey to his house.

All the events that Jake had dreamed about took place, as he ran from the burning house Jake passed out on the hard ground, he was then hit by a car, the car driver stopped and a man ran out,

‘oh my god, what have I done, sorry, sorry, are you ok, no stupid question, I’ll get someone to help you.

The man returned to his car to call for an ambulance and the fire brigade on his mobile, the paramedics’ raced to the scene in minutes, Jake showed no vital signs, the paramedics rushed him into the ambulance but it was too late, Jake was pronounced dead at the scene, the fire brigade also reported that the three residence and a dog were dead.

Chapter 7: time for a change.

In the side room of the private hospital, his watery eyes flickered open for the umpteenth time, he became aware, not for the first time of the machines, the gaggle of voices started hitting him not making sense at first, but gradually the sounds moulded them the selves in to comprehensible works that he understood at last.

‘Alex, Alex, can you hear me, squeezes my hand if you can’.

He slowly squeezed the hand, but who’s hand.

‘I’m going to take this oxygen mask off now, welcome back you’ve been gone for a while, over 6 months.’

‘You....You’re a doctor’, Alex mumbled as he attempted to sit up.

‘Easy now, yes I’m a doctor. You were.’

‘I remember, I was in a bike crash,’ Alex interacted the doctor. ‘Can I have something to drink please?’

‘Of cause, now you’re sitting up I’ll go and get you some’ said the doctor as he walked out of the private room, Alex stared at the door, he needed to talk to Jake, he needed to change the future.

A few minutes later, the doctor returned with a glass of water and a straw.

‘I’ve spoken to your family, they’re on their way to see you, but they can only stay for a few minutes. ‘

Alex drank the water, as he finished his family, who he was amazed to see were crying and sober arrived, Alex spoke with them for a few minutes before a great tiredness crept over him.

‘I think I’d like to get some sleep now please, but I need to speak to Jake in privet please.’

Nick, Jane and Cleo left the room, Jake walked to the side of the bed and sat on Alex’s right.

In short, sharp coherent sentences, Alex told Jake what was going to happen.

‘Well, if that’s the case can I come and live with you in Island?’

Of cause you can, please leave I need to rest.

The two brothers shared a brief hug and Jake left.

Alex now knew that everything would be ok for himself and his brother now, his parents and sister could do whatever, but as god was his witness he’d make sure Jake didn’t become what he’d seen in that long sleep that, just might have saved a lot of pain, suffering and lives.

The End.

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